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Introduction to Yoga Course (in English)

Learn the basics of yoga
with Hilary Brown

Online Course


12 episodes 

Experience Level



Yoga mat, belt, blocks




Feel Great Again!

What you are going to learn

Simple start: a pathway towards feeling great again

Hilary guides you through the basics of the postures at a gentle pace. Follow this course once or repeat as many times as you like. The foundations are never boring! Perfect for new-to-yoga students.
After this course, you will feel confident to join any of our ongoing beginners classes. Explore the basics of: 
  • Yoga's core principles
  • Alignment in primary postures (asanas)
  • Vinyasa foundation:  breath and movement together
  • How to work safely
Lesson series

Introduction to Yoga Course (English)

Hilary Brown - Yoga Moves founder.

Hilary Anne Brown is the founder of Yoga Moves. A native Californian, Hilary teaches a lyrical form of vinyasa yoga, a fluid but precise, dynamic yet relaxed method that incorporates the breath as a focus of moving meditation. She teaches with sensitivity and strength, letting you discover what yoga can bring to your life in a real and tangible ways. Breath is always a theme in her work, but equally understanding and feeling what you are doing. Alignment is a key ingredient and joy a natural outcome of her teaching. Sometimes you will laugh, cry or dance in her classes! Hilary is a committed yogi that helps her students take a step closer to themselves.
Hilary has studied and practiced many forms of yoga, healing arts, massage & bodywork and dance. She has advanced teaching experience and certificates (Iyengar & Vinyasa) (E-RYT500 since 2006). 
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